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Paul Wurth and China Steel Corporation sign Southeast Asia co-operation agreement


Based on an already fruitful and long-term business relationship, Paul Wurth S.A. and Taiwan-based steelmaker China Steel Corporation (CSC) have now signed a co-operation agreement with regard to upcoming ironmaking plant construction projects in Southeast Asian, including materials handling, sinter plants, blast furnaces and direct reduction plants.

Both parties are working together to promote the development of the Asian ironmaking industry and are working towards a common marketing strategy.The plan is to co-operate on a non-exclusive basis on projects to be implemented in the region. The two companies will pool their respective engineering and operational expertise and will co-operate on a case-by-case or a consortium basis as well as on a subcontractor relationship.

According to a press release issued by Paul Wurth, while CSC undertakes to use exclusively Paul Wurth technology and know-how for projects to be realised under this agreement, CSC will also provide customer training services, consulting and supervision services as well as specific detail engineering services.